Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Improve Your Web Traffic - Anchor Texts

Question: What is a Anchor Text?

Answer:. Anchor Text are also known as link text. Anchor text is the visible, clickable text between the HTML anchor and tags. By clicking on a anchor text, you activate a "Hyperlink" (link) to another web site.

Anchor text are very important in Search Engine Optimization (S.E.O.) because search engine algorithms consider the "Hyperlink" keywords as relevant to the "Landing Page". Using Anchor text properly is a key to a successful " backlink" strategy.

Anchor text is a valuable search engine optimization tool because the word or phrase that ae used in anchor texts can be one of the major keywords that the web page is trying to rank for and or pertain directly to the landing page content.

Anchor text is also heavily weighted in search engine algorithms, as algorithms look for the most relevant results for a search query and anchor texts are frequently relevant to the content of the landing page.

Lastly...unless you are trying to rank for the words "Click Here", "See more", "More info here" or other common phrases, use keywords in for you backlinks.

Free Automatic Backlink

Free Automatic Backlink

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